RCE Endeavors 😅

July 23, 2011

Upcoming Plans

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:59 AM

Recently a lot of side projects have been taking up free my time so I have not had a lot of time to post anything. I want to post this list of what I plan to have for the future as further motivation:

  1. VM-based binary protection and/or VM-based malware techniques. I’ve been looking through the TinyVM project and finding some interesting things elsewhere that could be applied to those two topics.
  2. Malware reversal, start to finish. Starting at the unpacking state and going into (probably dynamic) analysis of what a piece of malware does.
  3. Generic DirectX/OpenGL hooking to make add-ons to games

These are just three of many things planned for the future. I have no set deadline for when any of these posts will be coming out or in what order. However, I would say one of these will be posted relatively soon — perhaps near the end of the following month or the first week of September.

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